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Once the plugin is installed, you have to add it to your project configuration. To do so here are the steps


Configure your sentry account to get your dsn and api token (optional)


Go to your medusa-config.js


Check that the variables are set with the appropriate values

const SentryDSN = process.env.SENTRY_DSN || ""
const SentryApiToken = process.env.SENTRY_API_TOKEN || ""

Then in your plugins collections, you can just add the plugin as follow

  resolve: `medusa-plugin-sentry`,
  options: {
    dsn: SentryDSN,
    // apiToken: SentryApiToken,
    integrations: (router, Sentry, Tracing) => {
      return [
        new Sentry.Integrations.Http({ tracing: true }),
        new Tracing.Integrations.Express({ router }),
    tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
    // webHookOptions: {
    //   path: "/sentry/webhook",
    //   secret: "__YOUR_SECRET__",
    //   emitOnIssue: true,
    //   emitOnError: false,
    //   emitOnComment: true,
    //   emitOnEventOrMetricAlert: true,
    //   emitOnInstallOrDeleted: false,
    // }

The options that are commented are optional. If you want to use the webHook options, then the apiToken is required

You can see all the options available here: NodeOptions (opens in a new tab)

And here are the plugin configuration typings to help you see what is available

// Web hook options
export type SentryWebHookOptions = {
    path: string;
    secret: string;
    emitOnIssue?: boolean | ((container: unknown, data: SentryWebHookData) => Promise<void>);
    emitOnError?: boolean | ((container: unknown, data: SentryWebHookData) => Promise<void>);
    emitOnComment?: boolean | ((container: unknown, data: SentryWebHookData) => Promise<void>);
    emitOnEventOrMetricAlert?: boolean | ((container: unknown, data: SentryWebHookData) => Promise<void>);
    emitOnInstallOrDeleted?: boolean | ((container: unknown, data: SentryWebHookData) => Promise<void>);
// Sentry options at the top level
export type SentryOptions = Omit<NodeOptions, 'integrations'> & {
    integrations: Integration[] | ((router: Router, sentry: typeof Sentry, tracing: typeof Tracing) => Integration[]);
    requestHandlerOptions?: RequestHandlerOptions;
    enableRequestHandler?: boolean;
    enableTracing?: boolean;
    webHookOptions?: SentryWebHookOptions,

With this configuration, you should start to see the requests arriving to your sentry dashboard and start to monitor your api.